Shared Optional Tab: Cross References

Mandatory Prerequisites

Prior to creating a Cross Reference, refer to the following Topics:

Screenshot and Field Descriptions: Cross References Tab



Cross References table: this is populated with the Cross References entered against the entity. Double click a row to populate the fields below the table for editing.


Type: this is a drop down list of Entity types to cross reference with.


Entity: this is the Entity to cross reference with.


Relationship: this is the Cross Reference Type that defines the relationship of the cross referenced records.

How Do I : Add a new Cross Reference

  1. At the Type field, select an Entity type to cross reference with.
  2. At the Entity field, locate the Entity to cross reference with.
  3. At the Relationship field, locate the Cross Reference Type.
  4. Click the Right Hand Side Application tool-bar push button: Add. This will add the Cross Reference to the Cross References table.
  5. Repeat these steps to add (change or delete) more Cross References.
  6. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Change.
  7. Confirm that you wish to change the record.

How Do I : Modify an existing Cross Reference

  1. Double click the row in the Cross References table to change.
  2. At the Relationship field, locate the Cross Reference Type.
  3. Click the Right Hand Side Application tool-bar push button: Change. This will change the Cross Reference in the Cross References table.
  4. Repeat these steps to change (add or delete) more Cross References.
  5. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Change.
  6. Confirm that you wish to change the record.

How Do I : Delete a Cross Reference

  1. Double click the row in the Cross References table to delete.
  2. Click the Right Hand Side Application tool-bar push button: Delete. This will delete the Cross Reference from the Cross References table.
  3. Repeat these steps to delete (add or change) more Cross References.
  4. Click the Application tool-bar push button: Change.
  5. Confirm that you wish to change the record.

How Do I : Navigate to a Cross Reference

  1. Single click the row in the Cross References table to navigate to.
  2. Click the Application tool-bar push button: GoTo>.

Related Topics

Cross References are associated with the following Topics: